Zine Collection

A zine (like magaZINE) is a self published, often non-commercial work. They're generally small booklets that can take just about any format and can be about any topic.

Trade your zines or art with me or just send me a size A9 (5.75 x 8.75 inch) self addressed envelope to: Walk in the Woods, P.O. Box 2576, Columbia, MD 21045 USA


Walk in the Woods Antholozine

Walk in the Woods is a single page zine that features drawings and reflections about wandering in nature, distributed from August 2020 through September 2021. The antholozine compiles all 24 issues into a half letter sized booklet. Content note: insects and spiders.

avaiable in print or enjoy it virtually for free


Reflections, affirmations, tarot spreads and art that I created for myself based on what I learned in the course Weaving the Road Home with Faelen Shiva. You’ll also find loads of white space so you can add your own notes, insights, and doodles.

available in print or enjoy it virtually for free

Figure Drawings Volume One

Imagine you’re flipping through my sketchbook! A full-color collection of drawings made from life drawing sessions from Winter 2022 through Spring 2023. Content note: nudity.

available in print only

sample spread